The Knockout Drops plus Mad Larry pre-sale password
has been added: For a LIMITED you can buy your very own tickets to Knockout Drops plus Mad Larry BEFORE the public.Knockout Drops plus Mad Larry
Mercury Lounge, New York, NY
Fri, Oct 1, 2010 07:30 PM
American Express
Start: Wed, 08/11/10 12:00 PM EDT
End: Fri, 08/13/10 11:00 AM EDT
In true rock-n-roll form, Chris Campion, lead singer of indie-rock band Knockout Drops, recalls his band’s tumultuous ride, his plummet into addictions, and his strange road back to sobriety in ESCAPE FROM BELLEVUE: A Memoir of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Recovery and Redemption The story originated as a one-man show that Campion performed to sold-out audiences in New York City.
Knockout Drops plus Mad Larry presale password: Click this link to get your Knockout Drops plus Mad Larry presale code.
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WiseGuys TIP: If tickets are not available during the first few minutes of a presale, keep trying! Ticketmaster might say there are no tickets available, but keep trying for a little while you might be surprised at what you find!