Thursday, June 03, 2010

Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots presale in Sedalia, MO - code posted

A NEW Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots presale password has been added: this means that right now you can buy Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots tickets before anyone else! FREE Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots presale code for concert tickets.The special free pre-sale password for Three Dog Night with the Grass Rootss upcoming concert in Sedalia, MO unlocks tickets DAYS EARLY! This is your chance to see Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots perform. Here is the Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots concert information:

Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots
Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, MO
Thu, Aug 19, 2010 07:30 PM

Start: Thu, 05/27/10 09:00 AM CDT
End: Sun, 06/06/10 04:00 PM CDT

Start: Thu, 06/03/10 09:00 AM CDT
End: Sun, 06/06/10 04:00 PM CDT

Legendary music icons, THREE DOG NIGHT, enter their 4th decade bringing with them some of the most astonishing statistics in popular music. In the years 1969 through 1974, no other group moved more records, sold more concert tickets or achieved more top 10 hits. THREE DOG NIGHT continue to top the list of artists with the best "Billboard Top 100 Chart" average!

Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots presale code: Click to view the Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots presale password.

Is this Presale not working? Check for more recent Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots presale passwords to find the newest one that works.

If there aren't any pre-sale tickets left for Three Dog Night with the Grass Roots's show in Sedalia, MO you can still buy through TicketsNow!