The Nile pre-sale password
has been added: For a LIMITED you can buy your very own tickets to Nile BEFORE the public.Nile
House of Blues Sunset Strip, Hollywood, CA
Tue, Feb 2, 2010 07:30 PM
Start: Tue, 10/27/09 10:00 AM PDT
End: Wed, 10/28/09 10:00 PM PDT
Citi Cardmembers
Start: Tue, 10/27/09 10:00 AM PDT
End: Wed, 10/28/09 10:00 PM PDT
Nile presale password: Click this link to get your Nile presale code.
Is this Presale not working? Check for more recent Nile presale passwords to find the newest one that works.
WiseGuys TIP: If tickets are not available during the first few minutes of a presale, keep trying! Ticketmaster might say there are no tickets available, but keep trying for a little while you might be surprised at what you find!