Thursday, December 20, 2007

Top 5 Reasons to buy extra tickets for a show

Well good morning one and all! Happy Holidays!

I recently bought some tickets to see Larry the Cable Guy and since I know at least a dozen people who find him funny, I bought an extra pair of tickets. The reasons behind that additional purchase weren't something I had thought of before, but I feel that you should consider them when you purchase your next set of event tickets. Here's the list:

1. Someone will love you
Yes, someone you know will absolutely love you forever when you give them a pair of tickets as a gift.. or if you just sell them tickets right next to yours! Seeing a show with another couple is a great social activity for all of you, and the thoughtfulness of your gesture will be appreciated.

2. Someone will pay you
If the show is popular and the tickets are good, you can easily make a quick buck by selling the tickets to someone you know for slightly more than face value. Again, you will know the person sitting next to you, and you will feel good having helped them to score good seats. (Plus if you get $10 over the cost you paid, it actually reduces your own ticket price... :)

3. You will feel like an idiot later if you don't get extra tickets
And here's the simple reason why: You'll be pumped for the show a day or two before and someone you know will say "Do you have any extra tickets?". Wouldn't it be nice to say, "YES I DO!". Go ahead, give yourself a warm fuzzy feeling and tell em you bought the pair just for them... it works every time.

4. Pictures
Ever take pictures at a concert? Ever take pictures of people you don't know? Exactly my point: By inviting people you know to the show you can make the experience more memorable by taking some pictures of the concert with yopur friends.

5. Reward Points
Your credit card has some kind of rewards program. It might be Air-Miles or Sky-Points or Rainbow Dollars... whatever. My point is this: The more you spend on that card, the more points you get. Whenever I plan a group trip to a show, I always make sure that I am the one buying the tickets, hence I get the points.

Ok, so the list is a little weak, but so what!

Now for a quick reminder: Buy Extra Tickets (for the ones you love, or to make a buck, wither way!)

Also, Tickets are easy to wrap... you can just put them in the card!


PS: If you want to buy someone a great gift, get em tickets to the Blue Man Group. It's a great show and it tours everywhere... so it WILL be coming to your town.

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